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little rock (美國)小石城。

little russian

Calvin a . bennett , 26 , has been charged with two counts of murder in the killings of pierce odell , 79 , and his wife , mary , 78 , who were found shot to death on october 30 outside their home in nashville , arkansas , about 125 miles southwest of the state capital little rock 美國阿肯色州警方20日表示,一名因為在該州連殺兩人而遭到通緝的在逃犯已于上周末在威斯康星州被捉拿歸案,而其最終落網的原因竟然是此人將自己的姓名照片和住址都公布在了一家專門經營在線約會的網站上。

A fugitive wanted for a double homicide in arkansas was arrested on the weekend in wisconsin after he posted his name , picture and address on an online dating web site , police said on monday . calvin a . bennett , 26 , has been charged with two counts of murder in the killings of pierce odell , 79 , and his wife , mary , 78 , who were found shot to death on october 30 outside their home in nashville , arkansas , about 125 miles southwest of the state capital little rock 美國阿肯色州警方20日表示,一名因為在該州連殺兩人而遭到通緝的在逃犯已于上周末在威斯康星州被捉拿歸案,而其最終落網的原因竟然是此人將自己的姓名照片和住址都公布在了一家專門經營在線約會的網站上。

She brought me some warm wine and gingerbread , and appeared exceedingly good - natured ; and linton sat in the armchair , and i in the little rocking - chair on the hearthstone , and we laughed and talked so merrily , and found so much to say : we planned where we would go , and what we would do in summer 她給我拿來一點溫熱的酒和姜餅,而且表現得非常和氣林敦坐在安樂椅上,我坐在壁爐邊的小搖椅上,我們談笑得這么快樂,發現有這么多話要說:我們計劃夏天要到哪兒去,要作什么。

The feldspar of the reservoir sandstone in the study area consists of a higher percentage of na feldspar that of k . feldspar . the sandstone is composed of certain little rock fragments such as pyrite , mica , siltstone , mudstone , chert , and volcanic fragments 砂巖內長石由鈉長石與鉀長石組成,以鈉長石為主;巖屑由黃鐵礦、云母、粉砂質、泥質、燧石與火山巖屑構成。

February 11 , 2006 - little rock , ark . - - jermain taylor and winky wright will fight in a middleweight championship bout june 17 , agreeing to a deal friday after more than a month of on - again , off - again negotiations 2006年2月11日來自阿肯色州小石城的消息? ?杰馬因?泰勒與溫吉?萊特將在6月17日為爭奪中量級冠軍進行比賽,經過一個多月的行還是不行的協商,最終星期五達成一致。

It seemed a longshot at best considering that arkansas had never produced an olympic boxer and considering that little rock , wasn ' t exactly philadelphia or washington d . c . when it came to producing pugilistic talent 經過長時間的,最周密的考慮:阿肯色從來沒有產生過奧林匹克拳擊手,并考慮到要產生拳擊天才,小石城? ?確切地? ?不是費城或者華盛頓特區。

Born in little rock , arkansas on august 11 , 1978 , taylor would be thrust into a position early on , that no child should ever be put into : a fatherless child , who has to play the father figure 泰勒1978年8月11日出生于阿肯色州的小石城,他過早地立世,沒有任何孩子曾經有所經歷:一個沒有父親的孩子,他必須扮演父親的形象。

Little rock , arkansas ( reuters ) - an arkansas lawyer and his son will soon be heading to prison after pleading guilty to mailing a threatening communication - - a venomous snake 律師由于郵寄致命毒蛇而治罪碎石,阿肯薩斯(路透社)一名阿肯薩斯州律師和他的兒子由于投遞裝有毒蛇的郵件而被判有罪,不久將被投入監牢。

Today , the south is known for its friendly atmosphere , and atlanta , birmingham , miami , and little rock are once again becoming commercial and cultural centres of the nation 如今的南部已經因它的友好氛圍聞名于世,而亞特蘭大、伯明翰、邁阿密和小石城再次成為美國的商業和文化中心。

But bankers hope that any proposal that emerges during president - elect bill clinton ' s economic conference in little rock this week will include more carrot than stick 但銀行界人士希望,從總統當選人克林頓本周在小石城召開的經濟會議所產生的提案將是獎多于懲。

If you ' ve seen the hit movie daredevil , you ' ve heard a little rock band that is making it ' s way up the billboard charts 如果你觀看過熱門影片《夜魔俠》 ,你就聽到過一個來自小石城的樂隊的演唱,他們正在“公告牌”排行榜上節節上升。

A city of central arkansas southwest of little rock . there are bauxite deposits in the area . population , 18 , 177 本托美國阿肯色州中部,位于小石城西南。該地區產鋁土礦。人口18 , 177 。

Long before bill clinton was elected president , little rock was known for a much bleaker past 還是比爾?克林頓當選總統很久以前,小石城就因一段更為暗淡的過去為世人知。

He was going the little rock that day to order his wedding - suit and buy something nice for annabel 他準備這天上小石城去定做自己的結婚禮服并給安娜貝爾買上一些好東西。

Little rock has planned a gala , lectures and much else around the anniversary 圍繞這一紀念日,小石城安排了一項慶祝活動,數場演講,還有許多別的活動。

She would sit in her little rocking chair to suck her finger in the most unexpected corner 在很多不引人注意的角落里,她坐在她的小搖椅上吮吸手指。

She would sit in her little rocking chair to suck her finger in the most unexpected corner 她寧愿在最出人意料的角落里,坐在她的小搖椅上吮吸手指。

For weeks jack vacillated between a home in memphis and one in little rock 把家安在孟菲斯還是安在小石城,杰克有好幾個星期都拿不定主意。

A little rock 一塊小石頭